Iran hijab police are accused of putting a girl in a coma

Iran's morality police have been accused of beating a 16-year-old girl for not wearing a hijab and posting a photo purportedly showing her in a coma. Armita Geravand, who collapsed after boarding a Tehran metro train at Shohada station on Sunday, was treated at Tehran's Fajr hospital under tight security. Human rights group Hengaw alleged that she was subjected to "a severe physical assault" by morality police officers. Armita was being treated at Tehran's Fajr hospital under tight security, and the phones of all members of her family had been confiscated.

Armita, originally from the predominantly Kurdish western province of Kermanshah, lived in Tehran but was originally from the predominantly Kurdish western province of Kermanshah. Two prominent rights activists told Reuters news agency that there was a confrontation with agents enforcing the strict dress code. Radio Zamaneh cited an unnamed source as saying that the teenager was "pushed by hijab enforcers" after she got onto the train without a headscarf and that "she hit her head on an iron pole."

Hengaw posted a photo of Armita unconscious in the hospital, which the BBC could not immediately verify. The rights group also received information indicating that Armita's parents had been interviewed by the state news agency, Irna, "in the presence of high-ranking security officers under considerable pressure at Fajr Hospital". Armita's mother accepted that what happened on Sunday was an "accident."

Managing director of the Tehran metro, Masood Dorosti, denied any verbal or physical conflict between Armita and passengers or metro executives. CCTV footage refuted rumors about a confrontation with metro agents. Some Iranian social media users noted that the video released by authorities only showed the platform and not the inside of the train.


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