A grizzly bear kills a couple and their dog in Canada

 An aggressive grizzly bear has killed two people in Canada's Banff National Park, according to park officials. The incident was triggered by a GPS alert and a specialized response team travelled on foot overnight through the mountains to locate the deceased couple. The bear, still displaying aggressive behavior, was euthanized on-site to ensure public safety. This was the second deadly grizzly attack in North America since July. Parks Canada mobilized a Wildlife Human Attack Response Team when the alarm was triggered. The bodies of the victims were removed from the Red Deer River Valley grounds and taken to Sundre, Alberta, over 186 miles away. The couple were seasoned backcountry hikers who followed bear protocol and were killed by the grizzly. An estimated 691 grizzly bears live in Alberta, with 65 of them in Banff National Park. Only 14% of grizzly bear attacks are fatal, but as more people head outdoors, human-bear encounters are on the rise. In July, a grizzly bear fatally mauled a woman on a forest trail west of Yellowstone National Park. Following the attack, officials closed an area around Red Deer and Panther valleys.


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